martes, 30 de abril de 2013

PAST SIMPLE Reading comprehension
Ben’s day.

When I woke up this morning, I found my dog, Fox, waiting for me. He wanted me to take him for a walk. I was too hungry, so first I had breakfast. I had a glass of milk and a piece of toast. Then I washed my teeth and put on a track-suit and a heavy coat, because it was really cold outside. Fox was already impatient. We both went out, and walked to the park near home. He ran and jumped, and pursued some passers-by. He also destroyed some pieces of furniture somebody left on the road. I sat on a bench all the time, wishing I could be inside my warm bed. When my hands were frozen, I decided it was time to go back home. Fox didn’t want to, but I pulled hard and I managed to take him back. When we arrived at the front door, I realized I didn’t have my keys with me, so we stayed out in the cold for more than an hour! Fox was happy, but I was late for work!
  1. Write all the verbs you find in the past simple tense. Which ofthem are regular? Which are irregular? Write the infinitive ofthe irregular verbs:
  2. Answer the questions:
a.Who was happy to stay outside? b.What did Ben do in the park? c.What did Fox do in the park? d.What did Ben have for breakfast? e.What was the weather like? f.What was Ben wearing? g.When did Ben decide it was time to go home?

follow the next link:

martes, 16 de abril de 2013

The simple past tense is used to talk about actions that happened at a specific time in the past. You state when it happened using a time adverb.
You form the simple past of a verb by adding -ed onto the end of a regular verb but, irregular verb forms have to be learned.

This is the ubication of the simple past tense in the "PAST"

We can use the simple past with adverbs of time
"Last year I took my exams."
"I got married in 1992."

It can be used to describe events that happened over a period of time in the past but not now.


"I lived in South Africa for two years."

The simple past tense is also used to talk about habitual or repeated actions that took place in the past.


"When I was a child we always went to the seaside on bank holidays."

lunes, 15 de abril de 2013

Regular Verbs List

There are thousands of regular verbs in English. This is a list of 600 of the more common regular verbs. Note that there are some spelling variations in American English (for example, "practise" becomes "practice" in American English).

  • accept
  • add
  • admire
  • admit
  • advise
  • afford
  • agree
  • alert
  • allow
  • amuse
  • analyse
  • announce
  • annoy
  • answer
  • apologise
  • appear
  • applaud
  • appreciate
  • approve
  • argue
  • arrange
  • arrest
  • arrive
  • ask
  • attach
  • attack
  • attempt
  • attend
  • attract
  • avoid
  • back
  • bake
  • balance
  • ban
  • bang
  • bare
  • bat
  • bathe
  • battle
  • beam
  • beg
  • behave
  • belong
  • bleach
  • bless
  • blind
  • blink
  • blot
  • blush
  • boast
  • boil
  • bolt
  • bomb
  • book
  • bore
  • borrow
  • bounce
  • bow
  • box
  • brake
  • branch
  • breathe
  • bruise
  • brush
  • bubble
  • bump
  • burn
  • bury
  • buzz
  • calculate
  • call
  • camp
  • care
  • carry
  • carve
  • cause
  • challenge
  • change
  • charge
  • chase
  • cheat
  • check
  • cheer
  • chew
  • choke
  • chop
  • claim
  • clap
  • clean
  • clear
  • clip
  • close
  • coach
  • coil
  • collect
  • colour
  • comb
  • command
  • communicate
  • compare
  • compete
  • complain
  • complete
  • concentrate
  • concern
  • confess
  • confuse
  • connect
  • consider
  • consist
  • contain
  • continue
  • copy
  • correct
  • cough
  • count
  • cover
  • crack
  • crash
  • crawl
  • cross
  • crush
  • cry
  • cure
  • curl
  • curve
  • cycle
  • dam
  • damage
  • dance
  • dare
  • decay
  • deceive
  • decide
  • decorate
  • delay
  • delight
  • deliver
  • depend
  • describe
  • desert
  • deserve
  • destroy
  • detect
  • develop
  • disagree
  • disappear
  • disapprove
  • disarm
  • discover
  • dislike
  • divide
  • double
  • doubt
  • drag
  • drain
  • dream
  • dress
  • drip
  • drop
  • drown
  • drum
  • dry
  • dust
  • earn
  • educate
  • embarrass
  • employ
  • empty
  • encourage
  • end
  • enjoy
  • enter
  • entertain
  • escape
  • examine
  • excite
  • excuse
  • exercise
  • exist
  • expand
  • expect
  • explain
  • explode
  • extend
  • face
  • fade
  • fail
  • fancy
  • fasten
  • fax
  • fear
  • fence
  • fetch
  • file
  • fill
  • film
  • fire
  • fit
  • fix
  • flap
  • flash
  • float
  • flood
  • flow
  • flower
  • fold
  • follow
  • fool
  • force
  • form
  • found
  • frame
  • frighten
  • fry
  • gather
  • gaze
  • glow
  • glue
  • grab
  • grate
  • grease
  • greet
  • grin
  • grip
  • groan
  • guarantee
  • guard
  • guess
  • guide
  • hammer
  • hand
  • handle
  • hang
  • happen
  • harass
  • harm
  • hate
  • haunt
  • head
  • heal
  • heap
  • heat
  • help
  • hook
  • hop
  • hope
  • hover
  • hug
  • hum
  • hunt
  • hurry
  • identify
  • ignore
  • imagine
  • impress
  • improve
  • include
  • increase
  • influence
  • inform
  • inject
  • injure
  • instruct
  • intend
  • interest
  • interfere
  • interrupt
  • introduce
  • invent
  • invite
  • irritate
  • itch
  • jail
  • jam
  • jog
  • join
  • joke
  • judge
  • juggle
  • jump
  • kick
  • kill
  • kiss
  • kneel
  • knit
  • knock
  • knot
  • label
  • land
  • last
  • laugh
  • launch
  • learn
  • level
  • license
  • lick
  • lie
  • lighten
  • like
  • list
  • listen
  • live
  • load
  • lock
  • long
  • look
  • love
  • man
  • manage
  • march
  • mark
  • marry
  • match
  • mate
  • matter
  • measure
  • meddle
  • melt
  • memorise
  • mend
  • mess up
  • milk
  • mine
  • miss
  • mix
  • moan
  • moor
  • mourn
  • move
  • muddle
  • mug
  • multiply
  • murder
  • nail
  • name
  • need
  • nest
  • nod
  • note
  • notice
  • number
  • obey
  • object
  • observe
  • obtain
  • occur
  • offend
  • offer
  • open
  • order
  • overflow
  • owe
  • own
  • pack
  • paddle
  • paint
  • park
  • part
  • pass
  • paste
  • pat
  • pause
  • peck
  • pedal
  • peel
  • peep
  • perform
  • permit
  • phone
  • pick
  • pinch
  • pine
  • place
  • plan
  • plant
  • play
  • please
  • plug
  • point
  • poke
  • polish
  • pop
  • possess
  • post
  • pour
  • practise
  • pray
  • preach
  • precede
  • prefer
  • prepare
  • present
  • preserve
  • press
  • pretend
  • prevent
  • prick
  • print
  • produce
  • program
  • promise
  • protect
  • provide
  • pull
  • pump
  • punch
  • puncture
  • punish
  • push
  • question
  • queue
  • race
  • radiate
  • rain
  • raise
  • reach
  • realise
  • receive
  • recognise
  • record
  • reduce
  • reflect
  • refuse
  • regret
  • reign
  • reject
  • rejoice
  • relax
  • release
  • rely
  • remain
  • remember
  • remind
  • remove
  • repair
  • repeat
  • replace
  • reply
  • report
  • reproduce
  • request
  • rescue
  • retire
  • return
  • rhyme
  • rinse
  • risk
  • rob
  • rock
  • roll
  • rot
  • rub
  • ruin
  • rule
  • rush
  • sack
  • sail
  • satisfy
  • save
  • saw
  • scare
  • scatter
  • scold
  • scorch
  • scrape
  • scratch
  • scream
  • screw
  • scribble
  • scrub
  • seal
  • search
  • separate
  • serve
  • settle
  • shade
  • share
  • shave
  • shelter
  • shiver
  • shock
  • shop
  • shrug
  • sigh
  • sign
  • signal
  • sin
  • sip
  • ski
  • skip
  • slap
  • slip
  • slow
  • smash
  • smell
  • smile
  • smoke
  • snatch
  • sneeze
  • sniff
  • snore
  • snow
  • soak
  • soothe
  • sound
  • spare
  • spark
  • sparkle
  • spell
  • spill
  • spoil
  • spot
  • spray
  • sprout
  • squash
  • squeak
  • squeal
  • squeeze
  • stain
  • stamp
  • stare
  • start
  • stay
  • steer
  • step
  • stir
  • stitch
  • stop
  • store
  • strap
  • strengthen
  • stretch
  • strip
  • stroke
  • stuff
  • subtract
  • succeed
  • suck
  • suffer
  • suggest
  • suit
  • supply
  • support
  • suppose
  • surprise
  • surround
  • suspect
  • suspend
  • switch
  • talk
  • tame
  • tap
  • taste
  • tease
  • telephone
  • tempt
  • terrify
  • test
  • thank
  • thaw
  • tick
  • tickle
  • tie
  • time
  • tip
  • tire
  • touch
  • tour
  • tow
  • trace
  • trade
  • train
  • transport
  • trap
  • travel
  • treat
  • tremble
  • trick
  • trip
  • trot
  • trouble
  • trust
  • try
  • tug
  • tumble
  • turn
  • twist
  • type
  • undress
  • unfasten
  • unite
  • unlock
  • unpack
  • untidy
  • use
  • vanish
  • visit
  • wail
  • wait
  • walk
  • wander
  • want
  • warm
  • warn
  • wash
  • waste
  • watch
  • water
  • wave
  • weigh
  • welcome
  • whine
  • whip
  • whirl
  • whisper
  • whistle
  • wink
  • wipe
  • wish
  • wobble
  • wonder
  • work
  • worry
  • wrap
  • wreck
  • wrestle
  • wriggle
  • x-ray
  • yawn
  • yell
  • zip
  • zoom


regular verb is any verb whose conjugation follows the typical pattern, or one of the typical patterns, of the language to which it belongs.

English regular verbs change their form very little (unlike irregular verbs). The past tense and past participle of regular verbs end in -ed, for example:
work, worked, worked

But you should note the following points: 
1. Some verbs can be both regular and irregular, for example:
  • learn, learned, learned
  • learn, learnt, learnt 

2. Some verbs change their meaning depending on whether they are regular or irregular, for example "to hang" 

3. The present tense of some regular verbs is the same as the past tense of some irregular verbs:


with the help of the next pages  we can practice the simple past through interaction exercises, in all the exercises we can work with the diferents forms of the simple past.



 1. In the next link you could find some exercises with 4 forms of the simple past,  and you work with all of the personal pronouns.                      ENJOY IT!
                    2. In this link you could work the irregular verbs in the three forms (infinitive, past simple, past participle.)
3. In this point you have to identify the thense of the verb.
4. If you are tired of the previous exercises you could work in this crossword.

Here is a little list of the most important and usually irregular verbs that you can use in the simple past.

the Column of the color RED is the list of the irregular verbs in the SIMPLE PAST, so if you want you only have to pay atention at that column.

martes, 9 de abril de 2013

Simple Past or Past Simple

The Past Simple tense, also called the Simple Past, is used for past actions that happened either at a specific time, which can either be given by a time phrase (yesterday, last year, etc.) or understood from the context.
The simple past expresses an action in the past taking place once, never, several times. It can also be used for actions taking place one after another or in the middle of another action.